1:1 Embodied Leadership
In order to scale to the next level, you have to have a firm foundation.
This VIP package creates more ease in your life and businesses as we work together to find the kinks and ease them back into alignment.
It’s leading with full body knowing and true confidence that others can feel and gravitate towards.
Embodied Leadership • Somatic Integration • Attuned Support
Upcoming Group Program: Reclamation
It’s time to reclaim your wisdom, your power & your divinity.
Join me for this very special 10-week group container & optional retreat where you’ll be able to explore and reclaim your unique energetic essence in a safe and supportive container.
Alignment Sessions
When our systems experience aligned attunement & pure presence, magic happens. Our nervous system relaxes, energy liberates, walls come down and our true essence can emerge. It is here, in this space, that we get to FEEL, that we get to truly experience who we are and what is here now.
This is where the magic happens. This is where you remember who you are and what is yours.
*Included in Group Flow & 1:1 Support
**Spiritual Guidance sessions also available.
Retreats & Workshops
Description goes hereDo you want to incorporate embodiment, energetics, somatics, group cohesion and more into your next retreat?
I offer workshops, special ceremonial events & more.
Do you want to plan a retreat of your own and want a little guidance?
I’ve planned and led 20+ events around the world and would be happy to guide you towards stepping into retreat leadership.
Give-Back Guide: Impact Consulting
With over a decade of NonProfit & Strategy Experience, I can help you incorporate Giving Back into your business in a way that aligns with your mission and your business objectives.
Your business is an extension of you and an incredibly powerful vehicle for change in this world. Let’s do some good together!
Corporate Support: Burn Bright, Don't Burn Out
After burning out from my incredible StartUp experience, I spent years traveling the world, created a NonProfit, led people through international countries on Impact Trips, started Consulting with Nonprofits & Startups, dedicated myself to studies in Somatic Experiencing, Attachment, Energetics & Trauma Coaching and have come full circle by supporting StartUp Founder & Employees emotionally process their experiences.
This combination of techniques allows for the client to take power of their own healing and make changes to help ease their nervous systems and return to flow state in as little as one session.

Jenny helps guide and nurture individuals to remember who they truly are and take action from an aligned, empowered sense of self.
What People Are Saying
“Jenny is an absolutely exceptional healer. Within moments of lying on her table I could feel myself re-integrate back into my body. The space she held and the wisdom that came through her activated parts of my body that were previously dormant.
The nature of her agendaless sessions allowed my system to open, the safety she held allowed me to relax and find my true essence. I highly recommend you experiencing one of her sessions”
— Samantha, Entrepreneur & Community Leader
“I had the pleasure to finally spend some time directly with Jenny out in Bali in April 2018 with the organization, the Greatness Foundation.
She is an amazing human being but what was more impressive was how organized and disciplined she was and how she made everything look and feel so seamless while hosting a substantial impact retreat in another country. We all know how much work that probably took behind the scenes but Jenny never even broke a sweat.”
“It's so refreshing to see someone who lives an authentic life and CREATES her future, while helping everyone else alongside of her. If you are lucky to work directly with Jenny, definitely do so. She's incredible.”
— Christine, Business Broker
“One conversation with Jenny opened my life and business to new possibilities which led to an incredible coaching experience. Once she knows you, your needs and your skillsets, she’s constantly making connections and recommendations that are invaluable. Two years later and I still receive intros and ideas that are benefiting me. You want her on your team.”
— David, Entrepreneur & NonProfit Founder
“Jenny is one of the most proactive, organized, and action-taking consultants we've had the pleasure to work with. She always comes to the table with solutions, ideas on how to solve the problem, and research on how to increase efficiency and results.
Jenny has the unique ability to take the big picture into action and is the ultimate operations maven, while keeping team dynamics and energy high! We loved working with Jenny.”
— Lauren, Founder of Creative Agency
“You are a magical safe powerhouse of healing 🙌🏽 so grateful for your light in my life!
— Tanin, Entrepreneur & Coach
I’ve Got You.
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