Life Alignment &
Pure Presence Sessions
When our systems experience aligned attunement & pure presence, magic happens. Our nervous system relaxes, our energy liberates, walls come down and our true essence can emerge. It is here, in this space, that we get to FEEL, that we get to truly experience who we are and what is here now.
What are the benefits of receiving a session?
Through pure presence and aligned attunement, you get to awaken to who you are (beneath the layers of conditioning and projections), what gifts are emerging, release what no longer serves and anchor in your purpose. For some, this may be a time of peace and recentering, for others, it’s a time to release and move through emotion that they don’t feel like they can express in their day-today in order to get to the other side. As we enter this sacred space together, your divine intelligence will begin to grow stronger, more stable and your life will begin to flow with more ease and alignment. It’s a truly beautiful process that I hope all can experience.
What does a session look like?
Sessions usually start with pure presence, allowing your system to relax. I might guide you through a meditation or simple grounding technique that allows you to be fully present and transition into our time together and out of your day-to-day routine. From there, we follow what is emerging. You may start to tell me what is coming up for you, I may start to name things that I am sensing or feeling, allowing us to get through the layers of our ordinary mind and our ordinary life to tap into the extraordinary that is always there for us, in us.
Sessions vary between 30 and 90 minutes and can be held in person (Encinitas, CA) or online via Zoom. Both are incredibly powerful and always give you what you need.
Will I experience emotion during my session?
I get asked this as a lot and it feels like it’s a trick question as we’re always experiencing emotions! The beauty of this work is that it’s a space to FEEL as we HEAL. Perhaps we discover that sadness, anger or jealousy is inside you - these sessions are the perfect container to dive in and really feel it with pure presence, love and attunement so that it can be felt and moved through your system, you can release it and move forward. You may also experience pure bliss or a high meditative state as you touch into your true nature and a higher level of consciousness. There have been times I’ve felt like I’ve been floating and others where I feel so grounded and stable in an equally nourishing way. The beauty is in the unfolding.
Have other questions? Feel free to reach out so you can feel fully comfortable stepping into your true essence.