Growing a business requires cultivating a great team. Give your employees the gift of emotional support by providing 1:1 sessions to help them through personal or professional hurdles so that their cup remains full.
Burn Bright, Don’t Burn Out.
Prevent Burnout and Encourage Wellness through customized workshops, offsite & trainings.
Hi, I’m Jenny.
I understand firsthand what it takes to be a part of a startup. When I joined MaxPoint Interactive (an Ad-Tech Startup) in 2012, we had around 40 employees. When we parted ways 4 years later we were near 400. Within that time I was moved from North Carolina to California, remotely staying a part of the internal team who knew exactly when we were going to IPO, and successfully transitioning from account manager to the top Seller on the West Coast.
We grew FAST. It was amazing, exhilarating, and it also came with it’s own set of challenges.
Since then I’ve spent years traveling the world, created a NonProfit, led people through international countries on Impact Trips, started Consulting with Nonprofits & Startups, dedicated myself to studies in Somatic Experiencing, Attachment, Energetics & Trauma Coaching and have come full circle by supporting StartUp Founder & Employees emotionally process their experiences.
This combination of techniques allows for the client to take power of their own healing and make changes to help ease their nervous systems and return to flow state in as little as one session.
Here’s Why It’s Working:
When people have a dedicated place where they can share and move through their emotions, they are much less likely to bring them into the workplace where it can have a ripple effect on team moral.
By uncovering how personal past traumas or situations impact the situation (if at work), it allows the employee to have a larger awareness of their personal part in the issue, often allowing it to dissolve.
Employees are grateful to employers for offering coaching sessions as part of the wellness package, it increases moral and trust.
Employers/HR play more of a business role and less of a Therapist role as that is now outsourced.
Here’s How it Works:
Employers offer a certain number of sessions year (Ex: 1 x Quarter) with the option that if the Employee wants more then can purchase personally
Employers urge their employees to use their coaching sessions - Ex: If a team member comes to you with an emotional problem from their home life that may be interfering, a good first step would be to listen, urge them to use one of their employee coaching sessions, and set a date to chat afterwards
Some are offering to all employees and others just to their C-Suite, to help better support them so they can better support others.
Next Steps: If you’d like to explore package options & pricing for your company please email me at jenny@jennyscholl.com
Integrated Somatic Trauma Therapy
Attachement Therapy
Energetic Attunement & Emotional Processing
Life Experience - Being a Startup Employee, Founder & Consultant