Holy Saturday Reflections…

As most of you know, I was raised Christian, have studied religion & spirituality for 15+ years and am fascinated by the mystical, metaphysical, energetic heart of it all (before humans tried to structure it in a way for the masses). 

This week in particular I’ve been having truly powerful experiences connecting with the experience and energies of Mary Magdalene, specifically:

  • Her feeling the call to visit the tomb that Easter morning - she was there alone, right where she needed to be

  • Her grief that her beloved companion & partner was no longer physically there with her and able to hug her, comfort her, be with her in that very tangible way.

  • Her ability to “see” him that morning and remember that we are more than our physical bodies, that the consciousness and teachings could live on. 

It’s no accident that he appeared to her first and told her to tell the others - its recorded earlier in the Bible that Jesus had cleared 7 demons from her. Her Gospel explains these attributes AND…7 centers…sound familiar? Some say that each of these fears and “darknesses” correlates to a chakra. A pure healing and clearing of the chakras so that they could vision and see at the same frequency not bound by human ego.

She had been doing the work alongside him and her Gospel goes much further into how to “see with the eyes of the heart” practicing what some call the kenotic path, the spiritual path of self-emptying love, the practicing of disengaging the egioc operating system and upgrading consciousness by descending in the heart. She was one of the few that could have “seen” him in this way and could tell the others. 

Was it realm-type seeing, crystal knowing/seeing, a transmission so clear it was as if he was physically there type seeing? When I tap in feels like she was back in the field with her beloved that was so familiar as they had cultivated it for many years and the transmission was a pure knowing and recognition of his soul. 

In the original translation, once she recognized him at the tomb, he said “do not cling to me” - and not clinging to any attachment was a core practice of the higher levels of consciousness and awakening that they practiced. To me, it feels like he was reminding her to stay in alignment, to stay in that place of simultaneous expansion to receive his message. 

For me, these energies are powerful and beautiful when tapped into at their essence, and I’m always happy to help explore, especially with those also raised in the church and now exploring a more mystical, spiritual side of the frequencies. 

Then Mary stood up. She greeted them all, addressing her brothers and sisters, “Do not weep and be distressed nor let your hearts be irresolute. For his grace will be with you all and will shelter you.  Rather we should praise his greatness, for he has prepared us and made us true human beings.”

~Mary Magdalene, Gospel of Mary

There’s still so much more to the story…


Good Friday Reflections…

My ability to FEEL Holy Week has deepened year after year. To not just read the story and go through the facts, but to tap into the energetics, beyond the words, and viscerally feel the pain, the hopelessness, the anguish, and the confusion, the grief, and then ultimately the joy and peace that surpasses all understanding. 

To truly feel into Good Friday, one must know the time period, the feeling of having your home invaded and taken over by an empire who taxed heavily and was continually using military forces to squash the rebellions and upheavals. To be in a time period were the government demanded full power and control, and anyone speaking out against that was a threat - especially a man gathering such a following and preaching peace, that we have power within us, and that we don’t have to follow their rules that say one is above another, that we are all brothers and sisters and deserve to love and be loved. 

For all the people who knew the truth, that could see the regime for what it was and knew that there was more to being a human than power dynamics and class systems, Jesus was a man that embodied it, stood in it and provided hope and community. Much like many of our spiritual teachers and authors today, he put words to things that they were feeling and helped deepen their sense of knowing and belonging. Through him and his teachings, he brought community and like-minded beings together so they knew they were not alone.

On Good Friday (also called Holy Friday, “Good” is often used as a translation of the “Holy” days), that man, their teacher, their friend, their hope for a more peaceful world was not just killed, but mocked and crucified for all to see. 

Can you imagine how hopeless that must have felt? To be a part of a movement that was gaining traction, that actually felt like this might be possible, that a new way of living in community could occur, to be traveling with a group of like-minded, like-hearted individuals and within a matter of days it so drastically felt like it was over?

The shock, the confusion, the hopelessness, the grief… and then the remembering, the joy and the transmission from Christ to Mary as he sent her to tell them all that death had not won.

The experience that I feel most strongly is that of Mary Magdalene, the Apostle of the Apostles, Christ’s companion and the one whom he loved “more than all the disciples.” 

Then who stood at the foot of the cross, providing strength to Christ, to the downtrodden disciples who had just lost their leader, and the one that went to the grave to mourn and cry and grief that her beloved was no longer in his body, able to touch her, walk with her, comfort her, hold her. 

Mary Magdalene was one who Christ appeared to, the one who was alone at the tomb grieving for her teacher, companion and friend. The one who had been working with him side by side in meditation, awakening, transfiguration and could “see” him in his state in between the physical and the beyond, perhaps a seeing that can only be felt and seen through the heart by those who have glimpsed that space before. 

Mary Magdalene the one who was sent to tell the others, to remind the others, that the work that they’ve been doing lives on, that it surpasses the physical body and our time here on earth. The one who restores hope to those who thought they watched it die on the cross. 

To me, Easter is not a story of a man rising from the dead, it’s a celebration that our souls and consciousness itself is not limited to our physical bodies. 

It’s a celebration of the wisdom and devotion of the followers to understand the metaphysics and not doubt the ascension with such conviction that it formed one of the world’s major religions. 

Theres SO much more to the story - there’s healing, alignments, transfiguration, meditation, visions, devotion and awakening that appear between the lines, within direct translations of the original words of the text, within the Gnostic Gospels and texts that we’ve found since. 

I cry when I tap into the energies of Good Friday, the humanness and the emotions that must have been felt that shocked and weakened the field of holding a perspetive of the greater, and I feel bliss when I tap into the energies of Easter, when Mary feels Christ and is reminded of oneness, of that beyond the physical, beyond the human, and goes and reminds the others. 


I’d love to continue the conversation, feel free to find me on instagram @jennyscholl

